Pocket Frantic!


With COVID forcing people into social isolation, we can't gather together in the usual way to make films. We're hoping the film bug is buzzing in your ear, because we've tailored our latest film challenge to these trying times - make way, Frantic and Frightening48, here comes...The Pocket Frantic!

Eleven (count 'em), that's right - ELEVEN - days to write, shoot, edit, and submit your film. Plenty of time to fit into nearly any schedule!

What's the catch, you ask? Why, the device nearly everyone carries around in their pocket is what you have to film your footage with (your cell phone, not your bank card.)

AND, because we would like everyone to do this safely, we ask that you do this challenge with the people that are already in your social bubbles - your family, your work-family, your play-family, the imaginary family you keep under your pillow (so they can sing you to sleep)... you get the idea. Small groups following the current social distancing rules (Alberta & British Columbia) so we can all keep doing what we love!


Write, Shoot, and Edit a 2-6 Minute Short Film.


Teams of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to participate. All short films must be produced in the Peace Region to qualify for entry.

Please read the Full Rules before registering!


PRIMAA Member Team Rate - $10

Non-Member Team Rate - $20