Home › Forms › Workshop FeedbackWorkshop Feedback Name (Optional)You may submit your feedback anonymously by leaving this and the email blank.Email (Optional)If you'd like to ask us a question or have us reply, add your email here. Would you like to subscribe to our newsletter? Yes, sign me up! Hear about the latest events, workshops, and opportunities for filmmaking and networking from PRIMAA. Unsubscribe any time.Workshop Name*Date* DD slash MM slash YYYY How did you hear about this workshop?Based on your experience taking this workshop, how likely is it that you would recommend this workshop to somebody else?* 10 (Absolutely) 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Not At All) Your Comments & Feedback*What did you like about the workshop? What could have been improved?What were your biggest takeaways?What other types of workshops would you like to see in the region?Can we publish and share your quotes for marketing purposes? Yes, go ahead.